The Times - September 11, 2004
By Iain Finlayson
The war in Iraq, says Kleveman in his account of Blood and Oil
in Central Asia, is 'but a foretaste of future energy wars over
the world's remaining gas and oil reserves'. He does not doubt
that America's involvement is a bid for 'control over the earth's
remaining fossil reserves'. A crisis area is the Caspian Sea,
rich in untapped gas and oil. Whether it is to be legally defined
as a lake or a sea is crucial to the littoral states - Russia,
Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran and Azerbaijan - that argue about
its territorial division. The author, who has travelled the area
and talked to the main players, analyses the vast resources being
pumped into an unstable, violent region and how the internal military,
political and industrial pressures of the Caspian are about to
go fissile. His report is at its most unsettling when local warlords
and magnates, fuelled with vodka, open up to him. At some risk
to his life, he has doggedly reported on the new Klondyke.