Black Gold Against the Soul
Socialist Review, December 2003
by Pete Glatter
Lutz Kleveman's book takes us on an epic journey through the
latest imperial playground, the oil-rich Caspian Sea and its vast
hinterland, which stretches westward across the Caucasus into
Europe, south to the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent,
and east through Central Asia to China. A journalist, Kleveman
writes with enough passion and simplicity to shed light on his
complicated subject and from enough personal experience to bring
it vividly to life. Here you will find the power plays between
the US, Russia and China, the arrogance and racism of imperial
peoples, whether Americans in Central Asia or Chinese in Xinjiang
(East Turkmenistan), the cruelty, greed and megalomania of pro-US
dictatorships and warlords, the sacrifice of all loyalties and
principles to national and sectional interests, the disappointed
expectations of poor populations to whom oil brings pollution
and conflict instead of prosperity and peace, and much more.
The close relationship between bombing and big business goes back
long before the presidency of George W Bush. Here's President
Eisenhower in 1953, laying out part of the ground for subsidising
the French in Indo-China and for the US's war in Vietnam which
was to follow: 'Let us assume we lose Indo-China... The tin and
tungsten we so greatly value from that area would cease coming...
So when the United States votes $400 million to help that war,
we are not voting a give-away programme.' No sirree! But the stakes
of the new great game are much higher, the lands and peoples involved
much bigger and more numerous, the risks to the entire planet
far greater.
As the world's only superpower, the US has a strong motivation
to control the price of the oil it increasingly has to import,
hence also those who produce and export it. And those who transport
it to the nearest deep-water port - a crucial question when it
comes to Caspian oil. The US also wants unrestricted access to
as many different sources of oil as possible. The more the oil-exporting
countries compete among themselves, the less they are likely to
unite against the US and the lower the price it will have to pay.
Divide and rule - economically, politically, militarily - on a
world scale.
The 'war against terrorism' could not have been more favourable
to US oil interests. In postwar Afghanistan, for example, the
lack of aid other than for military purposes was crucial in bringing
about a deal between that country and the dictatorships of Turkmenistan
and Pakistan, authorising a $3.2 billion pipeline from the Caspian
to the Arabian Sea. However, the US drive to sideline Russia and
surround China with bases is also bringing international tension
to crisis point. No sooner had the US got a military base in Kyrgyzstan
than the Russians had to have one too and the Chinese had to get
an option on one. Even dictators who had effortlessly switched
from being pro-Moscow Communists to US stooges tasted the fear
which swept through Central Asia.
When the USSR collapsed, the US understandably had a lot of credibility
in this part of the world. Little more than ten years later, Kleveman
describes the change like this: 'The region's impoverished populaces,
disgusted with the United States' alliances with their corrupt
and despotic rulers, increasingly embrace militant Islam and virulent
Four brief criticisms. First, Britain, which is doing pretty well
out of all this in the shape of BP, for example, gets off rather
lightly. Second, by concentrating so much on oil, Kleveman tends
to give the impression that the name of the game is greed rather
than imperialism. Third, there's hardly anything about resistance
from below. And fourth, there are a few too many little inaccuracies
of fact and of translation from the original German. These are
minor criticisms which shouldn't put anyone off buying this book.