The Ney York Sun - November 19, 2003
Sea of Troubles
American policy in Central Asia and the Caucasus is helping
to consign tens of millions of people to life under dictatorships
that range from kleptocracies worthy of central Africa to the
frankly Stalinist. This shortsighted, corrupt, and morally compromised
policy aims to ease our reliance on despotic and unstable OPEC
nations by turning to the equally despotic, even less stable nations
of the former Soviet Union. It can only end in catastrophe.
Unfortunately, those most likely to talk about the Baku-Ceyhan
pipeline or the routes gas pipelines might take through Afghanistan
are those who will also tell you about how Dick Cheney and Ariel
Sharon plotted the terrorist attacks of 2001 to establish a pretext
for stationing troops in Georgia. This conspiracy-seeking rhetoric
reduces a serious issue inextricable from energy, nuclear proliferation,
Islamist terrorism, the spread of democracy, and our relations
with Russia, China, India, and Iran, to an exercise in paranoid
anti-Semitism. It also undermines legitimate criticism of the
incredibly ugly positions taken by this administration and the
Lutz Kleveman is not the only or even the best writer about
the region, but he offers readers the tools they need to understand
the foolishness of investing enormous political and financial
resources in places like Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan without demanding
fundamental changes in the way these places are governed. He is
liberal in his biases, but he does not hide them, and this is
a fair and well-reported book.
The question of the region is gas and oil and who will control
them. The size of the unexploited fields is staggering —
the Caspian Sea’s Kashagan oil field is the world’s
fifth largest, accounting for something like 30 billion barrels
in total. Mr. Kleveman cites estimates that, by 2020, Kazakhstan
could be pumping 10 million barrels of crude oil a day. Access
to this oil could break the OPEC monopoly, slipping the knife
from the global economy’s throat.
There are problems. The region is landlocked. Draw a straight
line from anywhere in Central Asia and the Caucasus in any direction,
and it will lead to or through a hideous autocracy, usually one
engaged in low-level war or counterinsurgency.The tortuous route
from Baku, the oil capital of Azerbaijan, to the Turkish port
of Ceyhan was arrived at because it avoids Russia and Iran. Other
strange routes being planned or built take their shapes for similar
As important as geography is the law. No one knows who owns
Caspian oil, as no agreement dividing the sea
exists. Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Iran were rather
miffed recently when the fifth Caspian state, Azerbaijan, put
together a multibillion-dollar deal with an international consortium
to sell oil that may not be its own. Part of the lack of accord
on how the Caspian is divided is a lack of clear agreement on
where shorelines end; Russian and Iranian fleets constantly prowl,
ready to sink something.
Worse for America is these nature of these states. Russia is
apparently trying to nationalize 44% of its largest oil concern
against the will of its owner, who finds himself imprisoned. The
Russian government not only has a powerful interest in maintaining
control over resources in “the near abroad,” but regards
those resources as state property that happens right now not to
be under its control. Azerbaijan engaged in the 1990s in a littlenoticed
war with Armenia, which resulted in pogroms and more than a million
refugees whose disposition is still unclear. And these are our
strategic partners.
Turkmenistan, of which Mr. Kleveman gives a rare first-hand
account, is as centered as North Korea on a cult of personality,
though it is more bizarre than threatening. The president, Saparmurat
Niyazov, erects gold statues of himself that rotate to face the
sun and provides holidays on which his subjects are given the
day off to eat great quantities of melon — as well as, one
presumes, meditate upon the holy book he has written to replace
the Bible and the Koran. The government of Georgia cannot be said
to be functioning; for several years it has been running on five
hours of electricity a day.
Kazakhstan, perhaps the most important oil state in the region,
is a special case. Its oil cannot be piped into Turkey; the best
route for it is through Iran or Afghanistan into the Persian Gulf.
Mr. Kleveman ably relates the tale of how the president, Nursultan
Nazarbayev, siphoned into private Swiss bank accounts more than
a billion dollars the state had been paid for oil concessions.
Then he claimed when he was caught that he had done it to prevent
a massive currency devaluation from the influx of cash. Then he
had his parliament legalize money laundering.
Some of these regimes are among the most repressive in the world.
Uzbekistan in particular among American allies in the region is
a brutish tyranny, but it is to that government that political
aid and capital are now flowing. Mr. Kleveman’s reporting
from there, from Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, and from the tribal regions
of Pakistan should leave no doubt as to the nature of the rulers
we’ve embraced. He has talked to diplomats, the heads of
corporations, spies, tribal leaders, and military men and found
none pursuing any interests but their own.
The proper solutions — an insistence on democratic reforms
and structures to ensure transparent and just disbursement of
oil revenues — are not realistic ones. There is great pressure
on the administration to go for the oil, for sound strategic reasons
and to ensure profit for American business. The main pressure
to do otherwise comes not from neoconservatives who have so passionately
argued for democracy in the Middle East but from neo-Stalinist
The massive corruption and repression already in evidence in
the region portend a bleak future. Ultimately the answer will
be a conscious shift away from an oil-based economy,a commitment
for which politicians would pay dearly in the near term. And so
the new Great Game will continue.